So I guess its been awhile since my last post...ok over a year. :( I haven't stopped cooking or living for that matter, still around. I've been working on and off, taking care of myself (mentally) and my family. "They" say that the second year after a loved one's death is the hardest, and "they" are right. There are so many missed opportunities and milestones that hits home the hardest, the "what could have beens" really stink. Seeing my daughter's friends go to prom, graduate high school and move on to college has been the hardest of all. I miss my Lauren everyday. As much as I would love to hide in my room and wallow in my sorrow; I know, not only my hubby, but pretty much every single friend of mine would be banging down my door to drag me out of bed (Thank God!).
So back to cooking, we participate in our local Bountiful Baskets. If you haven't heard of it, its a food co-op where you donate a particular dollar amount, the organizers purchase in bulk fruits and vegetables (sometimes other items like bread, granola or cases of particular fruits/vegetables or specialty packs) and then the participants pick up their baskets at an ungodly hour in the morning. Yeah, I get my husband to do that fun part. I on the other hand get to prep and put away all of our goodies. A lot of the basket is seasonal and we've had some interesting produce, brussel sprouts, kale, santa melons, etc. If its not something you are used to cooking on a regular basis (i.e brussel sprouts for me) it can certainly expand your horizons, make new friends or waste food, the latter is not an option in our house.
The last two baskets we received had 3 or 4 mangoes in each, which in it of itself is not a bad thing, but it happens to be the two weeks we don't have my step-kids (they are huge fruit eaters, whereas Miss J is not as thrilled with mangoes as the other two). So the mangoes have been just hanging out ripening to the stage of "use me now before I go bad or start to root." So off to Google I go in search of something to do with them. I peeled and sliced about half of them to dehydrate (love my food dehydrator!) and I found an interesting mango bread recipe. Its along the same lines of banana bread, but with mangoes!!!! I found it on All which can be hit or miss as far as the reliability of the recipe, but thankfully this bread turned out very well. So much so that my husband really enjoyed it and that says a lot!
To ensure credit is given as its due, I'll only post the link to this lovely sweet bread. the only thing I did differently was to add a splash of milk to the batter, only because I was a little paranoid about it not being 'batter-y" enough but if the mangoes are ripe and juicy, it will add enough moisture to the batter! Enjoy!!
Chinky's Mango Bread
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